Protecting Nature
When you stay at Tiny Greenie, you'll know that you've positively contributed to the preservation of our natural world. Not via some nebulous credit scheme but by directly supporting our on-the-ground nature rehabilitation project.

Then and now - In the early 1920's the first farmers on the land were returned serviceman. The land was quickly cleared and grazed until the 1960s. Today the recovery is ongoing. Try moving the slider to see the changes over 75 years. View large version
Legal Preservation
The property's indigenous bush is safeguarded by a legal covenant in perpetuity. This ensures that the native flora and fauna are preserved, not just for the present, but for future generations too.

Native Biodiversity Haven
Our property is covered in the lush beauty of native New Zealand bush, creating a sanctuary for some of Aotearoa's unique wildlife, including species like the Weka, Kaka, and Kereru. It's a recovering and now thriving ecosystem. You can engage with nature right outside the door and all around you.
Golden Bay Hideaway's proximity (right next door) to Abel Tasman National Park amplifies the opportunity for unique wildlife encounters. We're maintaining a comprehensive trapping program within our property to reduce pest species and their impact on our natives.